English Medium School, Lohegaon
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Admissions Open for 2024-25 (Nursery to 9th Standard). Call: 020-20271975, 7588720270 or Mail: admin.lohegao@ bharatividyapeeth.edu

Bharati Vidyapeeth English Medium School, Lohegaon

(CBSE Affiliation No. : 1131020)

The School

Bharati Vidyapeeth English Medium School, Lohegaon was established in the year 2013. The school is located in the serene and spacious landscape of Lohegaon, Which connects to the fairly populated areas of Lohegaon, Dhanori, Tingre Nagar, and Vishrantwadi. The school is an outstanding landmark in the vicinity. It is spread over a huge piece of land that promises many amenities and facilities for its students. Campus is spacious, airy, and well situated in the heart of the area.

The school has shown tremendous growth since its inception with the help of our beloved Hon’ Vahini Saheb & our Directors. She has been a constant source of motivation & encouragement to us in all the aspects and has helped us in our journey from the establishment stage. The school had initially started with a handful of students & as of today the school stand tall with immense response and appreciation by the parents & its peers. The school has been able to achieve such great recognition only due to the constant supervision of Hon’ Vahini Saheb & members.

Aims and Objectives

The school believes in holistic approach of education. The aims and objectives of the school are to:-

  • Develop active and creative minds that would lead to total development of a child - physical, mental, moral, emotional, spiritual and social development.
  • Develop scientific and positive attitude towards problems.
  • Emphasize on creating values among the children and explore talents in them to develop useful citizens of our nation.
  • Establish standards that demand excellence and build a solid foundation for lifelong learning, workplace skills and citizenship.
  • Inculcate not only information, but also provide, in a balanced way, knowledge, skills, values and attitudes.
  • Develop desirable social attitudes and good manners and make them sensitive to the rights and privileges of others.
  • Empower each student to succeed in life and contribute to society.
  • Create a climate that assures student involvement in learning using effective instructional strategies and innovative curriculum.

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